Leadership Potential Assessment



Provision and management of links to the Leadership Potential Appraisal

Shortened Live AC – Outsourcing of individual process elements

Pre-screening for Interviews of young talents and managers

Providing a differentiated results report

Compilation of all indicators for leadership potential

The Leadership Potential Assessment (LPA) provides information on individualindicators of leadership potential. Many studies on the relationship betweenpersonality factors and success in management positions have provided reliableinformation on which aspects of personality represent such potential indicators.These potential indicators form the prerequisites for developing successfulleadership behaviour.

In this Leadership Potential Assessment, the totality of these various potentialindicators is compiled compactly within a single scientifically provenquestionnaire and test procedure.Following our 1+6+3 approach, these arecognitive

  • abilities (1),
  • personality traits (6 = “Big Five” + integrity) and
  • basicprofessional motives (3 = achievement, affiliation, power).

Cognitive performance in a business context

It is well known that cognitive performance is the strongest predictor of leadership potential. At the same time, classic intelligence tests (turning dice, continuing rows of numbers) run the risk of discouraging these potential candidates.

The Leadership Potential Assessment contains two cognitive subtests, the contents of which are each located in a business context. Comparable tasks also exist in the professional environment. In the numerical part, work-related tables must be evaluated under tight time constraints. In the verbal part, the task is to analyze text passages in the form of e-mails under time pressure and to derive correct conclusions. Successful leaders are characterized by the ability to quickly and accurately analyze comparable cognitive challenges that are novel.


This part captures the individual characteristics in six central dimensions (“Big Six”) of personality. These are the 5 “classic” Big 5 personality traits of perception of stress, dominance, learning agility, social compatibility, self-discipline and, as a further facet, integrity. Successful executives have a high level of development in these personality dimensions, and a low level of development in stress perception.

Professional Motives

This part identifies the motivational fundamentals that are important for assuming a management position. There are a total of three basic motives that move us in our professional activities: The possibility of exchange and contact with colleagues (affiliation motivation), the possibility of showing a high performance (achievement motivation) and the possibility of exerting influence (power motivation). Successful executives have a low to moderate affiliation motivation, a strong achievement motivation and a strong power motivation.

In addition to these approach components of the basic motives, there is an avoidance component in each case: Fear of rejection, avoidance of failure or avoidance of loss of control. For successful managers, all these avoidance components are rather weak.