Selection of trainees despite ban on attendance
Despite travel bans and the recommendation to completely avoid attendance events, business does not stand still. Against this background, Schweizerische Bundesbahn (SBB) was faced with the question at the beginning of 2020 of how to recruit trainees with the same quality as before.

So far, within the trainee selection process written tests were carried out on site. Thus, the goal was to find an equivalent instrument in virtual format. Our ‘Azubi Online Assessment’ was used for this. This test assesses essential (interdisciplinary) competencies for the target group of trainees / school leavers: organizational competence, numerical competence, verbal competence, accuracy, retentiveness.
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And SBB benefits from another advantage of switching to the digital solution: in addition to a valid insight into the applicants’ skills set, the innovative and interactive task format as well as the open response format also pays off in terms of attracting applicants.