The war for (specialized) talents
In the target group of engineers and IT personnel, SWM competes with many large international corporations in Munich that can pay well. At the same time, this target group also includes people who can fit well or not so well. For most jobs, cognitive skills have the strongest influence on success or non-success. At the same time, traditional intelligence tests tend not to have a positive effect on the target group:

CTC-A (Algorithm)
The test represents exactly the challenges that most IT professionals are facing: In the online test, the candidate receives verbal descriptions of business processes and procedures. The test offer four alternatives in a pseudo code, three of the codes contain errors and only one is correct.
Cologne Test of Cognitive Competency – Algorithm
CTC-N (Numeric)
Within 40 minutes you have to interpret 20 business tables. Here, too, three wrong and one correct interpretation are offered, each of which must be checked in two minutes.
For the KTK-N, there are various variants in which the content of the items has been customized to the business processes of the organization.
Cologne Test of Cognitive Competency – Numeric