Online Assessment
Home » Online Assessment
- Process time: 90 minutes
- Number of items: 14
- Criteria for evaluation: Mastering Complexity, Analytical Skills, Customer Orientation, Driving Business, Leadership, Communication, Diligence
- Evaluation: Gesamtergebnis auf 5-er Skala, Einzelergebnisse
- Languages: English, German
We provide and manage the links for the Online-Assessment (ENG, DE)
CUSTOMIZING – Individual configuration/ modification of the contents (e.g. integration of challenges, conflicts and tasks regarding the target position)
Shortening/ Replacing the Live-AC – well-founded statements concerning the qualification of the candidate regarding seven competences
Qualitative evaluation by a trained consultant
Provision of a feedback report incl. Management Summary and qualitative evaluation of the behavior
The Online Assessment in detail
Perception of the maximal scope of behavior
Conventional online-tests are effected greatly by a major restriction: social acceptance. Mostly the question is:
“Which of these four possible answers would you choose?” The result usually consists of a socially accepted/ desired
answers. In this context, the artificial limitation of behavioral variety is a key point of criticism.
Our Online Assessment encounters this criticism with a new type of response option: The answers can be answered and expressed freely by using emails and video messages. Our Online Assessment includes tasks with e.g. customer complaints, analysis of business-related tables or conflict situations. Afterwards, the candidates are asked to address the customer or the team directly in a limited time period of one minute. In contrast to previous online-tests, a completely different scope of behavior can be evaluated: How clever does the candidate address conflicts? How well does he/ she deal with a critical customer? How does the candidate phrase orders?
To achieve the maximum or a rather high score the candidate needs to work on the case study very thoroughly – this includes the stimulus content as well as the additional fact-sheets. The facts sheets consist of e.g. office benchmarking, cost overviews or multiple project documents. The challenge is to understand, subsequently to reduce it the essentials and interpret the content.

Asynchronous evaluation
Freely expressed answers call for a separate evaluation – in contrast to the standard Assessment Center, this evaluation is not parallel to the conduction but is done afterwards instead (“asynchronous”). The software utilizes certain methods for the evaluation that include a specific guideline of how the points are assigned to the individual answers. Standardized evaluation procedures guarantee the maximum objectivity regarding the evaluation of the complete process.
In addition to the quantitative evaluation with points, evaluators can extract quotations as proof from the candidate’s mails. Thereby, an approximately 10 pages feedback report is compiled. It includes statements regarding: Mastering Complexity, Customer Orientation, Communication, Diligence, Analytical Skills, Leadership and Driving business. The Online Assessment is a mix of online-test and Assessment Center and combines the advantages of both: In addition to quotations, it includes standard norms to compare the candidate’s results with other candidates’ performances objectively. Until now, this was not possible for previous Assessment Centers.

Validity close to the quality of a complete assessment center
In a study to validate the Online Assessment (Kriebel, 2016), N = 30 participants were asked to complete the Online Assessment and, afterwards go through the standard Assessment Center (IV= Interview, RP= Role Play, IB= In-Basket). The table shows the correlation (see fig.). As expected, the capacity of the competence Leadership (LS) and Customer Orientation (CM) correlate with the results of the team exercise, the capacity of Analytical Skills (AS) with the results of the Live-AC and the Interview correlates with the proper competences. Altogether, a remarkably high correlation between the Online Assessment and the Assessment Center exists (r = .864**). In addition, the reliability of the procedure was evaluated with a Split-Half-coefficient of .936.

Usage: Combination Online Assessment with Assessment Center
The completion of the Online Assessment requires approximately 90 minutes. Regarding the necessary effort and its quality the Online Assessment is somewhat between the standard Online Tests and the Assessment Center. This creates the possibility of new procedures, like e.g. the hybrid AC which is an abbreviation of the standard AC or Development Center. The results of the Online Assessment facilitate a preliminary estimation of the candidate’s potential which leads to the reduction of the amount of work and costs: Potentially unqualified candidates are identified beforehand which is why they will not receive an invitation to participate in the Live-AC.
Moreover, the Online Assessment proofed itself to be a convenient and helpful tool for Employer Branding – the aesthetically appealing design, the modern visualizations and the unique type of tasks improve the employer attractiveness greatly.