Cognitive Tests
We have various cognitive tests that give you information about the different competencies of your candidates. Based on classic intelligence tests as well as for checking numerical or verbal analytical skills, we offer you suitable procedures to support your personnel selection.
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CTC-N – Cologne Test of Cognitive Competency (numeric)
Brooklynmaxx recommends the integration of standardized procedures to evaluate analytical skills for Assessment as well as Development Centers. However, classic intelligence tests are not appropriate content wise. This is why we offer the CTC-N since 2001. This test is focused on assessments and potential analyses and was validated.
Advantages of the CTC-N
- Exclusively measures the analytical skills
- High level of acceptance because of its business-related tasks (Analysis of economic tables)
- AC-specific norm-referenced testing (executives, graduates, trainees)
- Good integration into the organizational procedure
- Available online or on paper

Content & Competences in the CTC-N
The CTC-N expects the candidate to understand given tables and choose the right answer out of four possibilities under time pressure.
The candidate has to analyze the content and come to conclusions within a short time frame. Thereby, different types of thinking are required (numeric, effective, deductive and language bound).

Quality criteria of the test (numeric)
- Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.73
- High degree of selectivity of the items (average): 0.15 – 0.51
- Validity: very significant correlation with other cognitive test which are employed during the Assessment-Center (e.g. analysis of algorithms, r = 0.46), no significant correlation to social competences
CTC-V – Cologne Test of Cognitive Competency (verbal)
With the Cologne test for cognitive competence – verbal (CTC-V) we have a test procedure at hand which allows the evaluation of the candidate’s ability to deal with complex material and identify relevant information from it within a short time frame. In the modern world, this is a very important factor for success.
Advantages of the CTC-V
- Evaluation of the verbal analytical skills
- High level of acceptance because of its economic tasks (comprehension and interpretation of business-related emails)
- AC-specific norm-referenced testing (executives, graduates, trainees)
- Good integration into the organizational procedure
- Available online or on paper
Content & Competences in the CTC-V
The CTC-V expects the candidate to understand given information of emails and choose the right answer out of four possibilities under time pressure.
The candidate has to analyze complex business-related texts and come to conclusions within a short time frame.

Quality criteria of the test (verbal)
- Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.74
- High degree of selectivity of the items (average): 0.32
- High validation regarding Assessment-Center and classic intelligence tests
CTC-A – Cologne Test of Cognitive Competency (algorithmic)
Brooklynmaxx GmbH is able to assess the cognitive competency with the special test “CTC-A”, which greatly correlates with the classic intelligence test but differs regarding the content of the exercises because it employs business related material. According to multiple studies cognitive test procedures are very reliable regarding the advancement of a person onto a leading or specialist position. In Germany, offers with the necessary acceptance for these procedures are missing.
Advantages of the CTC-A
- Close proximity of tasks to common business issues – at the same time high correlation to intelligence tests
- The tasks relate to typical, busainess-relevant issues – simultaneously, high coherencies to intelligence test
- Evaluation of abstract-logical and verbal-logical thinking
- Special utilization for management trainees, consulting specialists, engineering, information technology and business administration
- Used to complement interviews or ACs
Content & Competences in the CTC-A
The candidate is supposed to extract and transform descriptions of business processes and procedures into a formalistic code consisting of logical operations. The test consists of 20 items and takes 60 minutes. It can be conducted online or on paper.
The correlation with the classic intelligence test IST-2000 R is very high (r = 0.71). The IST integrates the verbal, numerical and figural intelligence which can be predict by the CTC-A.
Quality criteria of the test (algorithmic)
- Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.60
- High degree of selectivity of the items (average): 0.50
- High validation regarding Assessment-Center and classic intelligence tests